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We offer a specific set of assessment tools to support team interventions, employees connecting at a more personal level as well as understanding one self and others better. These tools are used in coaching conversation to gain deeper insight into the behaviours of the coaches.

Image by Brooke Cagle


The Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is mostly used in team interventions.




  • Team members to understand each other at a more personal level

  • Understanding each others personality types

  • How differently we view the world

  • How team members show up in terms of personality

  • How team members make decisions based on personality

  • How team members solve problems based on personality

  • By understanding each other at a deeper level, creates greater cohesiveness in a team


Offered by an accredited ENNEA practitioner and is mostly used in coaching sessions.



  • ​​

  • Tool is used for Junior, Senior and Executive management

  • Assessment is used to anchor coaching conversation

  • The Enneagram goes far beyond simply describing our behavioural patters

  • Provides a vehicle through which we begin to journey inwards, developing deeper self awareness

  • It is a window through which we recognize our strengths, gifts, motives, and compulsions

  • It helps us develop a strong sense of who we can become – our true selves

  • A deeper understanding of ourselves impacts relationships, leadership and teamwork, conflict and communication

Image by Christina @
Image by Christina @


his assessment tool is used to identify the Emotional Intelligence of individuals and helps identify strengths and development areas in 4 EQ domains. The assessment also includes an EQ development plan.

Other Assessment Tools Include:


  • Belbin Team Role Assessment

    • Mostly used in team interventions​


  • Thomas Killman Conflict resolution assessment

    • Mostly used in team interventions. The assessment identifies your conflict resolution style and how to overcome your gaps

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