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A personality questionnaire (MBTI) gives delegates a view on their personality as measured against four dimensions.  Further discovery occurs through the use of a career anchors questionnaire, which gives delegates insight into the ONE aspect of their careers that they would not wish to give up…ever.  


We talk about Emotional Intelligence, using a comprehensive tool that participants can use long after the workshop has ended.  An exercise has been designed to assist delegates in discovering what is most important to them…what do they want their lives to be about…what legacy do they want to leave…what are their values? This culminates in a personal mission statement which is a powerful moment in the workshop.


Goal-setting is discussed in a relaxed context, where delegates ‘get real’ about their long-term and (more specifically) short-term goals for the next 12 months.


The workshop concludes with the design of a ‘collage’ where the discoveries of the 2 days are visually depicted to remind delegates of their own, individual and personal journeys of Personal Mastery. 

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