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#Resilience  (hashtag resilience) is our benchmark change programme which is a carefully structured experiential learning and training experience to guide delegates towards greater self-awareness as the basis for developing resilience. The workshop is based on the premise that resilience is a pattern of qualities and skills – a competency that leaders & employees can develop to help them turn stressful circumstances from potential disasters into growth opportunities instead.​


The purpose of the programme is to provide you with the framework, language, models, tools and techniques and insights to help build and maintain resilience and flexibility, so that you can take care of yourself and your well-being during times of change; with the opportunity to learn not only how to cope with adversity, but how to thrive under adverse conditions


The one day workshop is a carefully structured experiential learning and training experience to guide delegates towards greater self-awareness as the basis for developing resilience. The workshop is based on the premise that resilience is a pattern of qualities and skills – a competency that leaders can develop to help them turn stressful circumstances from potential disasters into growth opportunities instead. Managers with a change resilient attitude have developed a solid, assured, and secure sense of self. This does not mean that they will not be thrown off balance from time to time by unexpected events and circumstances. However, they are able to deal with the unexpected, stay committed to relationships, and in general view change as a challenge and not a threat. 




Delegates will develop the ability to:

  • Lead in challenging times with more self-confidence and greater self-awareness.

  • Be more resilient to stress.

  • Approach change as a meaningful challenge, rather than detaching and giving up.

  • Build an environment of assistance and encouragement among coworkers.

  • Model resilient behaviour and a can-do attitude

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