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Team Meeting.webp

We offer a specific set of assessment tools to support team interventions, employees connecting at a more personal level as well as understanding one self and others better. These tools are used in coaching conversation to gain deeper insight into the behaviours of the coaches.

Team Spirit


Customised to the client’s specific needs. We work from the premise that one size does not fit all team situations. Therefore the approach is based on the requirements in terms of the team dynamic. Interventions can include a variety of approaches i.e. how to deal with conflict in the team, connecting on a more personal level, team collaboration, team role clarification, team rules of engagement, how to deal with clients, professionalism in a team context, how to influence and engage others. Too many team interventions fail because organisations throw interventions at team dynamic challenges which is completely misaligned to what really is needed. We ensure a specific needs-based process that will enhance team cohesion and lead to improved performance.


A 5, 7 or 10-week tailor-made course that gives you and your employees the tools and techniques need to stay motivated and achieve a culture of positivity, resilience and success.


Some topics that are covered:


  • Discovering your purpose and creating a purpose statement

  • Tackling limiting beliefs

  • Understanding and developing affirmations

  • Stretching the comfort zone

  • The power of words

  • Controlling thoughts and actions

  • Mindfulness


and much more...

Outdoors Meeting


Our successful mentoring programme fosters a culture of learning, nurturing, and growth. This filters through the entire organisation and create teams of people who feel satisfied and happy at work. The mentorship programme also allows for diversity in leadership to increase gender and ethnic diversity in leadership roles.


Mentorship programmes within an organisation is an effective and low-cost way for senior employees to pass on knowledge of the industry and organisation to younger staff. It also has a positive effect of employee engagement and retention.


Mentoring programmes are an attractive work perk for many people, particularly millennials, who have come to expect mentoring and development opportunities from companies.


Salar consulting will help your organisation build a successful Mentorship Programme that will promote employee wellness and satisfaction that will guide the organisation to success.

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